
Address book application written in Java and JavaFX.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Address book application written in Java and JavaFX.

Other technologies used: JMetro, Ikonli, H2 Database Engine, Hibernate ORM (JPA), Hibernate Validator (Bean Validation, and HikariCP.


$ git clone https://github.com/julianjupiter/addressbook-javafx


Database file, ./data/sgs.mv.db, is automatically created upon running the application.

Note: Only one instance of application should be running as the database cannot be accessed by multiple client.

The database file can also be opened by any database client/manager (I recommend DBeaver) that is capable of connecting to H2 database. User: sa and password: secret. Make sure address book application is not running when opening the database file.

Build and Run

  • GNU/Linux, UNIX
$ cd addressbook-javafx
$ ./mvnw clean package
$ java -jar java -jar ./target/addressbook-javafx-0.0.2.jar
  • Windows
> cd addressbook-javafx
> .\mvnw clean package
> java -jar java -jar .\target\addressbook-javafx-0.0.2.jar



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View Contact

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Edit Contact

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Add Contact

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Search Contact

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Delete Contact

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Close Application

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