
Module for MagicMirror2 that displays the Timetable for RocketBeans.tv

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module: RBTV Sendeplan

A MagicMirror² module that shows the RBTV Sendeplan.

The shows are fetched from RocketBeansAPI.



  1. Clone repo:
cd MagicMirror/modules/
git clone https://github.com/juliankern/MMM-rbtv-sendeplan
  1. Add the module to the ../MagicMirror/config/config.js, example:
    module: "MMM-rbtv-sendeplan",
    header: "RBTV Sendeplan",
    position: "bottom_right",
    config: {}


Option Description
updateInterval How often the sendeplan should update.
Default value: 30 * 1000 (= 30s)
maxNewItems How many shows after the running one should be displayed.
Default value: 5
initialLoadDelay Load delay after initialising.
Default value: 0
showWidth Width of each show.
Default value: 400px
imageWidth Width of the shows image.
Default value: 100px
imageGrayscale If the show image should be displayed greyscale.
Default value: false
showImages Show the images.
Default value: true
fontScale Scale of the fonts.
Default value: 1