
Sprint Challenge for RDBMS and SQL Week

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sprint Challenge for RDBMS and SQL

The purpose of this exercise is to get you used to being quizzed on Interview Questions commonly asked about Relational Database Management Systems and SQL.

Answers to your written questions will be recorded in Answers.md

Please work on this challenge alone, but feel free to use outside resources. You can reference any old code you may have, however, please refrain from copying and pasting any of your answers. Try and understand the question and put your responses in your own words. Be as thorough as possible when explaining something.

Just a friendly Reminder: Don't fret or get anxious, this is a no-pressure assessment that is only going to help guide you in the near future. This is NOT a pass/fail situation.

Start by forking and cloning this repository.

Questions - Self Study

You can exercise your Google-Fu for this and any other Sprint Challenge in the future.

  1. Explain the difference between RDBMS and SQL.
  2. Why do tables need a primary key?
  3. What is the name given to a table column that references the primary key on another table.
  4. What do we need in order to have a many to many relationship between two tables.
  5. What SQL statement is used to retrieve data from a table?
  6. What SQL clause is used to filter the results of a query?
  7. What are views? Provide one example use case for them.

Project description

This is just a backend. Testing your application will require the use of Postman or something simliar.

For this Project we'll use Node.js, Express.js and Knex to build a RESTful API for a Project Tracker application that persists data to either SQLite or MySQL.

General Requirements

The application let the users track Projects, Actions and Contexts in the spirit of the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology.

  • A project can contain many actions and can be assigned to different contexts. A project has:
    • a unique Id.
    • a name.
    • a description.
    • a flag that indicates if the project is complete or not.
  • An action belongs to only one project and can be assigned to different contexts. An action has:
    • a unique id.
    • a description of what needs to be done.
    • a notes column to add additional information.
    • a flag that indicates if the action has been completed.
  • A context can appear in multiple actions or projects. A context has:
    • a unique id.
    • a context column ('home', 'office', 'at computer').

Feel free to name the tables and fields anyway you want. Add constraints and relationships as you see fit.


  • Build the database and tables.
  • Build the API to perform CRUD operations on all the resources (projects, actions, contexts).
  • Build an endpoint to retrieve a project by its id that returns an object with the following structure:
  id: 1,
  name: 'project name here',
  desctiption: 'the project description',
  completed: false, // or true
  actions: [
      id: 1,
      description: 'action description',
      notes: 'the action notes',
      completed: false // or true
      id: 7,
      description: 'another action description',
      notes: 'the action notes',
      completed: false // or true
  contexts: [
    { id: 1, context: 'the context' }
    { id: 5, context: 'another context' }

Remember to run npm init -y to generate a package.json before adding your dependencies.

Good luck and have fun!