
Neural network models for QA-SRL.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Neural network models for QA-SRL.


This repository contains code for training and running QA-SRL models in a variety of pipeline formats: from span detection to question generation (as in FitzGerald et al., 2018) as well as the reverse order (question generation to question answering), and accommodating a wide range of question formats (for example, prototype QA-SRL questions which have tense, aspect, animacy, etc. normalized out). There is also clause-based question modeling which was part of a project that hasn't been published (and probably won't be), and which might not run properly right now.

In addition to the Python (PyTorch/AllenNLP) code for the models, there is also a set of Scala utilities for generating config files, processing QA-SRL questions, and evaluating models. The evaluations aren't the standard published ones and haven't made it into any papers, so you should probably instead go with the methodology suggested by Roit et al. (2020). You'll probably only need to run the Scala code if you want to generate new config files to do hyperparameter optimization or for a model format that isn't covered by one of the config files provided in models/.

This repository also provides access to several trained models. Config files for these are given in the models/ directory, and the models themselves can be interactively downloaded with scripts/setup/download.py. The ones included here were identified by hyperparameter tuning across the various settings covered by the config generator. Only a few are provided because I lost track of the best models for a lot of configurations, since the training was done quite a while ago. If you make any changes or train more models, please send them along!


At the moment, this repository needs Python version 3.8. Be aware that this is not the newest Python. I would recommend getting set up as follows:

> python3.8 -m venv env
> source env/bin/activate
> pip install --upgrade pip
> pip install -r requirements.txt

This will create a local virtual environment with the right Python and AllenNLP versions (plus some other pinned dependencies). It'd be great to update to the latest versions of everything, but I would have to test it all to make sure it works. So I haven't done that for now.

To run the Scala code, you need to first install Mill.



Training is done in the normal AllenNLP style. Given that you have a config.json specifying your model, you can run

python -m allennlp.run train config.json --include-package qasrl -s save

from the base directory of this repository, and it will initiate a training run with results in save/.

Running a model

Most of our QA-SRL models are constructed as pipelines. So to run predictions, instead of using AllenNLP Predictors, I have separate pipeline scripts which take the pipeline constituents as parameters. These are in qasrl/pipelines/, and should just be invoked with python from the command line. See each pipeline script for details on arguments, etc., but for example, to run a span detection -> question generation pipeline, I might invoke

python qasrl/pipelines/afirst_pipeline_sequential.py \
  --span models/span_density_softmax.tar.gz \
  --span_to_question models/span_to_question.tar.gz \
  --cuda_device 0 \
  --span_min_prob 0.02 \
  --question_min_prob 0.01 \
  --question_beam_size 20 \
  --input_file data/qasrl-dev-mini.jsonl \
  --output_file out.jsonl

which will write complete model predictions at out.jsonl.

Input file format

The format of the input file should be jsonl, where each sentence has a dictionary representing it. The must-have keys are "sentenceId", "sentenceTokens", "verbEntries".

So for the sentence "Both occur suddenly.", The representive json should look as follows:

  1. "sentenceId": Is copied as is to the output file.
  2. "sentenceTokens": Its value is a list of the sentence's tokens.
  3. "verbEntries": Its value is a dictionary, where each key is a string representing the index of a verb token in the sentence, and the inner dict should include verbIndex (as an integer), and verbInflectedForms.

There is a conversion script that outputs this format of a file under qasrl/scripts/utils/prepare_input_file.py.

Hyperparameter tuning

To do hyperparameter tuning, first you generate the config files for all hyperparameter settings. To do this, make sure Mill is installed and run

mill -i utils.model-gen.run configs

which will create a configs/ directory and place all of the autogenerated configs there. You can change the set of configs that is generated by editing ModelVariants.scala.

Once the config files are all generated, you will want to do training runs of all of them and sift through the results. Utilities and scripts to do this are in this repository, but they're specific to Slurm and the Hyak compute infrastructure so they may not be the easiest way of doing it for you. Also, I don't remember exactly how it all worked. So I imagine youll roll your own method (but I can help with more documentation on the slurm stuff if someone needs it).