Parse - backend as a service using nodejs
- Graphql
- Graphql-Playground (only prof=false)
- LiveQuery
- Cloud Jobs
- Cloud Functions
- Client Demo
Variable | Default | Description |
MONGO_USERNAME | '' | Mongo username |
MONGO_PASSWORD | '' | Mongo password |
MONGO_HOST | 'localhost' | Mongo host |
CLOUD_CODE_MAIN | '' | Where the CloudCode will look for cloud functions/jobs |
APP_ID | 'parse' | App id (will appers on mongo) |
REST_API_KEY | 'restapikey' | Key for rest/crud functions |
JS_KEY | 'jskey' | Javascriptkey used on cloud functions, livequery and graphql |
SERVER_HOST | 'localhost' | Server host |
MASTER_KEY | "masterkey" | Key for admin functions/jobs |
APP_NAME | "parse-app" | App name |
ADMIN_USERNAME | "admin" | Server admin username |
ADMIN_PASSWORD | "admin" | Server admin password |
PORT | 1337 | Server port |
PROD | false | Production mode |
CLIENT_KEY | "clientkey" | Client key, used to connect on flutter,expo, etc... |
PUSH_ANDROID_KEY | "" | Server key from firebase |
PUSH_IOS_PFX | "" | pfx file location |
PUSH_IOS_PASSPHRASE | "" | ios pfx passphrase |
PUSH_IOS_BUNDLEID | "" | IOS bundleid |
LIVE_QUERY_NAMES | "" | List separeted by "," of active live querys |
docker build -t baas-parse-server .
docker run --name=baas-parse-server --link mongodb -e CLOUD_CODE_MAIN='./cloud/main.js' -p 1337:1337 baas-parse-server
docker pull wdgaster/baas-parse-server
Storage docker folder: /usr/src/parse-server
LiveQuery running on ws://localhost:1337
REST API running on http://localhost:1337/parse
Dashboard running on http://localhost:1337/dashboard
GraphQL API running on http://localhost:1337/graphql
GraphQL Playground running on http://localhost:1337/playground
Author: (JulianoBRL/WDGaster) Juliano Lira