
KiCad project for ARM Cortex-M JTAG Adapter with 20, 10 and 6 pin target header

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KiCad project for ARM Cortex-M JTAG Adapter with 20, 10 and 6 pin target header

The adaptor can be used by a debug probe with a standard ARM JTAG 20 connector with 2.54 mm pitch and 2x10 pins. Like SEGGER J-Link, Olimex ARM-USB-TINY, STLINK-V3SET etc.

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As target connectors, the adaptor provides a 20 and a 10 pin SWD Cortex debug connector with 1.27 mm pitch (J1, J2) and a simple 6 pin 2.54 mm pitch header for SWD (J3) according to the SWD header of the STM32 Nucleo board.