
My configurations for fish, i3, i3status, tmux, GTK3, X1C6, and compton, as well as some of my aliases, startup configs and initialization scripts

Primary LanguageLua

My Dotfiles

Herein lies my configurations for various things.

I suggest cloning this repo and then symlinking files to the appropriate location so that pulls to this repo will update the associated spot.

Vim Setup

For vim, you'll need a bunch of setup since my vimrc is highly customized with all sorts of "extras".

First, you'll need to install neovim. For MacOS that's as simple as brew install neovim. You'll also need to run the script installNeoVim.sh.

I suggest rebinding vim to nvim so that you can just start neovim via normal vim. With fish you can do that via:

alias vim='nvim'
funcsave vim

If you haven't already, you'll need to symlink the .vimrc in this repo to ~/.vimrc

For completion support, you'll need to install several neovim helpers:

npm install -g neovim
pip3 install pynvim

You'll also need to install ripgrep for search. For MacOS that's brew install ripgrep. For Debian-based, sudo apt install ripgrep.

If you want pretty icons, you'll need to install one of the fonts at https://www.nerdfonts.com/ To enable the icons change the pretty_icons setting at the top of the .vimrc

Now launch neovim and run :PlugInstall.