
Image and audio destruction scripts written for an art competition. Destroys images by changing bits in different configurations by command line

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Destroys images in an artistic way.
Opens a desired image, corrupts bytes throughout and resaves the file.

Windows only!
Place imageGlitch.ps1 along with a file in a folder.
Right click on imageGlitch.ps1 and select "Run With PowerShell"
Enter the name of the file with an extension I.E. test.jpg
Enter the number of bytes to change throughout the file. For higher resolution pictures 2000+ works best. For lower resolutions, try below 200.
Enter the spacing between each byte change. The reccommended value usually works best and calculates for the best placement in file.
The result will be created in a run1 folder (or run2, 3 4 etc for subsequent runs)


A modified imageGlitch script that uses a random to change bytes instead of a list of predetermined values.

Same as imageGlitch, however use an audio file with audioGlitch.ps1