FeatureCloud Template

Implementing FeatureCloud Applications

FeatureCloud provide an advantageous platform which is accessible at FeatureCloud.ai

In an OO fashion, just by extending two classes, developers can use FeatureCloud Template for implementing one-shot or iterative applications. This template consists of three main classes to interact with FC Controller and execute the app-level tasks. Generally, two types of clients are used in FeatureCloud Template:

  • Client: Every participant in the FeatureCloud platform is considered a client who should perform local tasks and communicate some intermediary results with the coordinator. No raw data are supposed to be exchanged among clients and the coordinator.
  • Coordinator: One of the clients who can receive results of other clients, aggregate, and broadcast them.


Using the AppLogic class, users can define different states and make a flow to move from one to another. Each state should be added to the states attributes, while there is no predefined order for executing states, the flow direction will be handled using CustomLogic class. With current_state, developers know the flow and determine which state they desire to move in.


We categorize attributes in the AppLogic class as follows:

  • Controlling the flow:
    • states: Python dictionary that keeps names of states, as keys, and methods, as values.
    • current_state Name of the current state, or the next state that a developer wants.
    • status_available: Boolean attribute to signal the availability of data to the FeatureCloud Controller to share it.
    • status_finished: Boolean variable to signal the end of app's execution to the FeatureCloud Controller.
    • thread:
    • iteration: Number of executed iterations.
    • progress: Short descriptor of internal progress of app instance for the FeatureCloud Controller.
  • General
    • id: ID of each participant, regardless of being client or coordinator.
    • coordinator: Boolean flag indicating whether the running container is a coordinator or not.
    • clients: Contains IDs of all participating clients.
  • Data management:
    • For communicating data:
      • data_incoming: list of data that was received.
      • data_outgoing: list of data that should be shared.
    • For I/O from the docker container:
      • INPUT_DIR: path to the directory inside the docker container for reading the input files.
      • OUTPUT_DIR: path to the directory inside the docker container for writing the results.
      • mode: Primarily used for indicating whether input files are stored in one folder or multiple folders.
      • dir: The folder containing the input files.
      • splits: A dictionary of possible splits(folder names containing the input data that are used for training)


Using lazy_initializing, Developers can initialize some attributes in an arbitrary time. app_flow is the method in AppLogic class that contains a state machine for the client and the coordinator. It calls corresponding methods to each state. These are the four methods in AppLogic class that facilitate communicating data between coordinator and clients.

  • send_to_server: should be called only for clients to send their data to the coordinator.
  • get_clients_data: Should be called only for the coordinator to wait for the clients until receiving their data. For each split, corresponding clients' data will be yield back.
  • wait_for_server: Should be called only for clients to wait for coordinator until receiving broadcasted data.
  • broadcast: should be called only for the coordinator to broadcast the same date to all clients.


CustomLogic is an extension class of AppLogic, which defines all the states, determines the first state, and, more importantly, implements the flow between states. Besides, controlling the flow, generally, we categorize states' tasks as operational and/or communicational. For communicational states responsible for sharing or receiving data, the method will be fully implemented and assigned to the state in CustomLogic class. For others, only the flow related part will be implemented here, and the operation happens in CustomApp class. All the data-related attributes, shared among clients, should be introduced in CustomLogic.


  • parameters: A dictionary that can contain any data that should be shared.
  • workflows_states: A dictionary that can signal any messages to the coordinator or vice versa.


Methods are highly diverse regarding the target application; however, almost every application should include initializing and finalizing state and method.

  • init_state
  • read_input
  • final_step


CustomApp is an extension of CustomLogic that introduces all the required attributes and methods to execute the app's task. Each state's method call its corresponding superclass method in CustomLogic to change the flow to the next state, which was previously implemented.