
Quarto Extension for ASCE publications

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT


There are many rough edges in this extension, especially on the handling of the authors and affiliations in the title block. Use with caution. Contribution welcomed!

ASCE Quarto Template

This is a Quarto template that assists you in creating a manuscript for American Society of Civil Engineers journals and conference proceedings. You can learn more about the format requirements on the ASCE website and the Overleaf template, which this Quarto template was based off.

Creating a New Article

You can use this as a template to create an article for an AFT journal. To do this, use the following command:

quarto use template juliantao/quarto-asce

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file and bibiography that you can use as a starting place for your article.

Installation For Existing Document

You may also use this format with an existing Quarto project or document. From the quarto project or document directory, run the following command to install this format:

quarto install extension juliantao/quarto-asce


To use the format, you can use the format names asce-pdf. For example:

quarto render article.qmd --to asce-pdf

or in your document yaml

  pdf: default
    keep-tex: true    

You can view a preview of the rendered template at https://github.com/juliantao/quarto-asce/blob/main/style-guide/asce-template.pdf.

Format Options

The title block, document classes, and other document options can be set in the yaml header.

For example, to generate the example PDF file, the following yaml header is used

title: | 
  Template for Preparing Your Submission to the 
  American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 

  - name: Author One, S.M. ASCE
    affiliations: Graduate Research Associate, First affiliation address
    email: author.one@email.com
  - name: Author Two, M. ASCE
    affiliations: Assistant Professor, Second affiliation address
    email: author.two@email.com
  - name: Author three, A.M. ASCE
    affiliations: Associate Professor, Third affiliation address
    email: author.three@email.com
    corresponding: true
abstract: |
  The abstract should be a single paragraph (150-175 words long) written
  in plain language and include a summary of the key conclusions of the
  manuscript. It should clearly state the purpose of the work, the scope
  of the effort, the procedures used to execute the work, and major
  findings. The abstract is the second most important online search
  discovery element, after the title. Authors should review the abstract
  to ensure that it accurately reflects the revised paper and should
  strive to include any applicable keywords that would likely be used
  during an online search. Mathematics and references are not permitted
  in the abstract and will be removed by the copyeditors.
keywords: template, quarto, asce
bibliography: references.bib
    keep-tex: true
    publication-type: NewProceedings
    footer-lastname: Author1
    classoption: [InsideFigs, LineNumbers]

Authors and affiliations

For now, I prefer to use a simplified way to define the authors and affiliations: just use name, affiliations, email and corresponding fields. See above yaml header. I may change this in the future.

For more detailed setups, see quarto document.

Format options

The document class ascelike-new.cls provides several options given below.

Publication types

The Proceedings|Journal|NewProceedings option is the most important; the other options are largely incidental.

In a quarto document, use publication-type to specify the overall format.

  1. Options Journal|Proceedings|NewProceedings specify the overall format of the output manuscript.

    Journal produces double-spaced manuscripts for ASCE journals. As default settings, it places tables and figures at the end of the manuscript and produces lists of tables and figures. It places line numbers within the left margin.

    Proceedings produces older-style camera-ready single-spaced manuscripts for ASCE conference proceedings. The newer ASCE style is enacted with the NewProceedings option.

    NewProceedings produces newer-style single-spaced manuscripts for ASCE conference proceedings, as shown on the ASCE website (ca. 2013). As default settings, NewProceedings places figures and tables within the text. It does not place line numbers within the left margin.

    If desired, the bottom right corner can be "tagged" with the author's name (this can be done by inserting the command \NameTag{<your name>} within the preamble of your document). All of the default settings can be altered with the options that are described below.

Fine-tuning options

Use classoption to specify the following options.

  1. Options BackFigs|InsideFigs can be used to override the default placement of tables and figures in the Journal, Proceedings, and NewProceedings formats.

  2. Options SingleSpace|DoubleSpace can be used to override the default text spacing in the Journal, Proceedings, and NewProceedings formats.

  3. Options 10pt|11pt|12pt can be used to override the default text size (12pt).

  4. The option NoLists suppresses inclusion of lists of tables and figures that would normally be included in the Journal format.

  5. The option NoPageNumbers suppresses the printing of page numbers.

  6. The option SectionNumbers produces an automatic numbering of sections. Without the SectionNumbers option, sections will not be numbered, as this seems to be the usual formatting in ASCE journals (note that the Appendixes will, however, be automatically "numbered" with Roman numerals). With the SectionNumbers option, sections and subsections are numbered with Arabic numerals (e.g. 2, 2.1, etc.), but subsubsection headings will not be numbered.

  7. The options NoLineNumbers|LineNumbers can be used to override the default use (or absence) of line numbers in the Journal, Proceedings, and NewProceedings formats.