
Bash script that pushes a contribution to Github every 10 minutes. You can look like even more of a workaholic in no time!

Primary LanguageShell

Developed for Unix-based systems.


  1. Generate a Github personal access token. Docs found here.
  2. Install Github CLI ... Linux instructions here for running on server (recommended).
  3. Login with Github CLI: $ gh auth login

To Start Run:

gh repo clone julianwagle/kommit-king &&
cd kommit-king &&

To Stop Run:

cd kommit-king && crontab blank.txt

You will now have your github profile updated every ten minutes. Note that if running locally it will only update while your computer is open and connected to the internet. Fow this reason it is recommended that you run from a server.

Congrats, in one year you will look like the ultimate baller.

cook kid