
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Trivia Web App

It's an online trivia game for friends to play together.

For hackathon "Who wants to be a Hackionaire"


To run

API server cd \OpenTriviaQA node src\index.js




backend: NodeJS Express frontend: ReactJS web portal: Gatsby


Single Player

  • Click on the question to get the next question
  • Click on one of the multiple choices and the answer will show up at the bottom.
  • Green for correct answer and orange for wrong answer
  • Score will be display on top; hard refresh the page to reset.


Sign on page

  • Sign on page has a name field and a room#. Enter any display name you want. (no registration needed)
  • If you already have a room# that your friends gave you, enter here. Leaving it blank indicates you want to join a random online game room.
  • Hit "Enter the room" and you will be brought to the game room page. First one in is the host.
  • Game rooms are removed after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Game Mode

  • Timed
  • Team
  • Winner takes all. first one answers correctly scores 2, all wrong answers minus 1, timed out.
  • Other game modes to be added

Game Room page

  • On the page, you will see:
    • Game Mode : Timed, Team, etc...
    • Running scores and games won. e.g. "Julian 13(2), Darren 12(3), Gabe 14(0), Cliff 8(2)"
    • Countdown clock / questions left / timeout / category / New game / Return Room
    • Question
    • Choices
    • Answer
  • A host can change the category, set the timeout (seconds for each trivia), start or end the game.

Hall of Fame page

API Design

Create a New Game

/register/:username/:room (e.g. "http://localhost/register/julianw")

  • {"session":Dew$nj,"userid":20134}

Join an Existing Game

/join/:username/ (e.g. "http://localhost/register/julianw/") // leave server to match you against an open game.

  • {"session":Dew$nj,"userid":20134}

/join/:username/:session (e.g. "http://localhost/register/julianw/Dew$nj")

  • {"session":Dew$nj,"userid":20134}

Start a Game


  • {"status":"Game started. 4 people are in the game", "status_code":0}

Get Next Question

/get/:userid (e.g. "http://localhost/get/20134/")

  • {"status":"Wait for other players", "question_no":0}
  • {"status":"Question 12/20", , "question_no":12, "question":"Three of these animals hibernate. Which one does not?", choices:{"A":"Mouse","B":"Sloth","C":"Frog","D":"Snake"}}
  • {"status":"You are the winner!"}

Current Scores


  • {"julianw":13, "jwusername":12, "DW":10}

Answer a Question

/answer/:userid/:question_no/:answer (e.g. "http://localhost/answer/20134/12/A")

  • {"status":"Correct!", "win":6, "loss":3}

Get Random Question

/question/ /question/:category


Gatsby and React

Install Gatsby

npm i -g gatsby-cli
gatsby new web
cd web
npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
Add following to /src/components/layout.js
    import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
Add following to /src/pages/index.js
    import {Button} from 'react-bootstrap'

Now the React is fully integrated with Gatsby!

Change gabtsy-config.js and /src/pages/index.js to change the landing page!

Add React

Try the following in index.js

<Button variant="outline-primary" href="http://yahoo.com">Go to Yahoo</Button> <br />
<Link className="btn btn-outline-primary" to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link> <br />

Launch the website! gatsby develop

Add Axios

Follow the React Axios Tutorial

  • npm install axios
  • Create /react/triviapage.js


cd web gatsby develop



  • npm install gh-pages --save-dev

  • add the following line to gatsby-config.js :

    • pathPrefix: "/trivia",
  • add the following line to package.json's 'Scripts' section:

    • "deploy": "gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public"
  • npm run deploy