BlueBike Traffic/Accident Analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. What I Contributed
  3. Project Link
  4. About the Data
  5. Contributors
  6. Folder Structure
  7. References

Project Overview

This webpage helps BlueBikes employees ensure user safety by visualizing bike accidents in Boston. It features three key visualizations:

  1. A heatmap of bike accidents with station points. Hovering over points reveals station in- and out-flow, helping identify high-traffic stations needing attention.

  2. A mode switch to compare accidents at intersections versus streets, aiding safer station placement.

  3. An interactive feature allowing users to highlight areas on the heatmap, displaying accident totals for intersections and streets within the selection.

My Contributions

I developed the bar and pie charts and linked them to the heatmap for interactivity. This work included:

  • Creating tooltips
  • Generating pie and bar charts
  • Implementing brushing and linking
  • Enabling hover actions to update graphs

I also led the design process, assessing stakeholder needs and selecting relevant visualizations for safe station placement.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (d3 library)

Project Link

Check out our website here: BlueBike Traffic/Accident Analysis

About the Data

We used the following data sources for this project:

Bike Accident Data: Boston_Accidents.csv contains information about bike accidents in Boston, including the location, date, and severity of the accidents. BlueBikes Station Data: This includes station information in multiple files, such as Jan2023_station_data.csv, end_station_data.csv, start_station_data.csv, and merged_station_data.csv, which provide details on station locations and bike inflow/outflow. Map Data: The file boston_map.json contains geographic information for rendering the base map of Boston. Our goal was to merge accident data with BlueBikes station locations to help identify hazardous areas and guide safer station placements.


All contributors were undergraduate students at Northeastern University.

Julian Savini Email:

Aneek Mahajan Email:

Jake Ashkenase Email:

This was the final project for the course DS 4200 - Data Visualization and Presentation (Spring 2023), at Northeastern University

Folder Structure

├── data/                   # Contains the datasets
│   ├── Boston_Accidents.csv
│   ├── Jan2023_station_data.csv
│   ├── boston_map.json
│   ├── end_station_data.csv
│   ├── merged_station_data.csv
│   └── start_station_data.csv
├── images/                 # Contains images used in the project
│   ├── Legend.svg
│   ├── bluebike.png
│   ├── dangerous_gradient.svg
│   ├── favicon.png
│   └── red_circle.png
├── js/                     # JavaScript scripts and libraries
│   ├── d3.v6.1.1/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├──
│   ├── d3.js
│   ├── d3.min.js
│   └── script.js
├── video/                  # Project demo video and captions
│   ├── Demo_Video.mp4
│   └── captions.vtt
├── .DS_Store                # Metadata file
├──                # This file
├── index.html               # Main webpage
└── style.css                # Custom styles for visualizations


  1. HTML Structure Example
  2. D3.js Zoom and Pan Tutorial
  3. D3.js Brush Interactivity Example
  4. Creating Tooltips in D3.js
  5. D3.js Line and Points on Map from CSV Data
  6. D3.js Mapping Tutorial
  7. Vision Zero Crash Records Dataset
  8. CSS Switch Tutorial
  9. GeoJSON Example with D3.js
  10. D3.js Geo Projections Tutorial
  11. D3-Geo GitHub Repository
  12. CSS Buttons Tutorial
  13. CSS Three-Column Layout Tutorial