Recipe Recommendation System

DS4300 (Large Scale Information and Retrieval) Final Project Spring 2023

Ava Duggan, Max Rizzuto, Julian Savini, Anjali Tanna

Click below to watch us use the engine!



  • The main purpose of this project is to create an interactive recipe recommendation system that allows users to input information when prompted on a website, in order to output a recipe that will align with a user’s constraints. The goal is to use information that can be found on recipe websites such as recipe type, cooking technique, cuisine, etc. which can indicate what type of meal a user is looking to cook. The target users for this project are people who are open to having recipe recommendations based on factors that can limit what a user is able to cook such as available ingredients, time constraints, etc.
  • Additionally, this can be a tool for planning ahead, where a user can know what ingredients they may want to buy from the grocery store in order to make a desired recipe. A recommendation system such as this can help to prevent food waste as well as assist people in finding quick, easy and healthy recipes when cooking can often be seen as time consuming and challenging.

Tech Stack

  • Python

    • Front end developement
    • Web scraping
    • Data cleaning
    • Connections with MongoDB and Neo4j
    • Querying
  • MongoDB

    • Storing recipe_data.json
  • Neo4j

    • Creating [:SIMILAR] relationships between recipes
    • Creating recommendations