
FF7 Field Background Editor

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


FF7 Field Background Editor

Initial source code release by Aali132.

Tech Stack

If you're curious to know it, Palmer is made with:

How to build

Available build profiles:

  • x86-Release ( default, the same used to release artifacts in this Github page )
  • x86-RelWithDebInfo ( used while developing to better debug some issues )
  • x86-MinSizeRel
  • x86-Debug ( prefer it if you want to use a debugger attached to the game )

Once the project is build you can find the output in this path: .build/bin


Please note:

Palmer will now use vcpkg as a package manager to resolve dependencies. Failing to follow these steps will fail your builds.

  1. Clone the vcpkg project in the root folder of your C: drive ( git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git )
  2. Go inside the C:\vcpkg folder and double click bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
  3. Open a cmd window in C:\vcpkg and run the following command: vcpkg integrate install


Please note:

This step is completely optional but you can make use of it if you prefer to use your own Github Free package registry plan.

  1. Make sure you have NuGet CLI installed.
  2. Create a Personal Access token ( classic ) with the write:packages permission.
  3. Open a cmd window and run the following command ( replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME and YOUR_GITHUB_PAT accordingly ):
nuget sources add -Name github -Source "https://nuget.pkg.github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/index.json" -Username YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME -Password YOUR_GITHUB_PAT -StorePasswordInClearText

Visual Studio

Please note:

By default Visual Studio will pick the x86-Release build configuration, but you can choose any other profile available.

  1. Download the the latest Visual Studio Community installer
  2. Run the installer and import this .vsconfig file in the installer to pick the required components to build this project
  3. Once installed, open this repository as a folder in Visual Studio 2019 and click the build button.

Visual Studio Code

  1. REQUIRED! Follow up the steps to install Visual Studio, which will also install the MSVC toolchain
  2. Download and install the latest Visual Studio Code release
  3. Install the following extensions:
  4. Open this repository as a folder in Visual Studio code
  5. Choose as build profile in the status bar CMake: [Release] ( or one of the aforementioned profiles )
  6. Click the button on the status bar Build


CMake Files

  1. REQUIRED! Install Python
  2. Install cmake-format and make sure the binary is available in your PATH environment variable
  3. OPTIONAL! Integrate it in your own IDE ( eg. for Visual Studio Code use the relative extension )


Palmer is released under GPLv3 license, and you can get a copy of the license here: COPYING.txt

If you paid for it, remember to ask for a refund to the person who sold you a copy. Make also sure you get a copy of the source code if you got it as a binary only.

If the person who gave you a copy will refuse to give you the source code, report it here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-violation.html

All rights belong to their respective owners.