cs329e-netflix Netflix movie rating prediction project

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Name Github
Yu Lu SuperYuLu
Ruth Mendez mendezruth35



Write a program, ideally with a partner, to win the Netflix Prize in Python.

Ignore the qualifying data. It's just there for explanation.

Just use the probe data and produce an RMSE (truncated to two decimal places) of less than 1.00 and a runtime of less than 1 min.

Note: Because the Netflix files are very large, it's impractical to make copies of them to your local machine. Your best bet is to develop the solution on the CS machines. Data ##Training Data:

17,770 movies
480,189 customers
about 100,000,000 ratings
about 5,600 ratings per movie
about 200 ratings per customer

Qualifying Data:

2,836,401 ratings, no customers from training data

Probe Data:

1,425,333 ratings, all customers from training data



/u/fares/public_html/netflix/training_data/* (1.4 GB)
/u/fares/public_html/netflix/training_data/mv_0002043.txt (162 KB)
17,770 files total (one per movie)