Final Project



Say 'I do' to the ultimate wedding website experience!

Our platform allows wedding couples to create a stunning, personalized landing page for their special day. With just a few clicks, couples can submit a pre-defined form and easily display their wedding info on a web page. Impress your guests with a beautiful and informative landing page, complete with a countdown to the big day, easy RSVP function, directions to the wedding, and all the details they need to know about the venue and schedule. Don't settle for a generic wedding website, make your special day truly unforgettable with our personalized platform.

Built by Julia Östedt, Mia Dahlgren and Petra Söderström.

The assignment

The time scope for this project was set to three weeks of part time (50%) work and we ended up spending more time than that. The project was planned with an MVP and stretch goals, where we have fulfilled the MVP but did not have enough time to take on the stretch goals. The frontend is built using React with Redux for state management, Styled Components for styling and the backend is built with Express.js and MongoDB with Mongoose.

View it live

Frontend: Backend:

Tech Used

JavaScript React Redux Express.js MongoDB Styled Components

Screen shots

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