Setup of new M1 Mac - Cheat Sheet

  1. Connect with Apple ID & sync iCloud data
  2. Change resolution of display → preferences
  3. Install software
    1. Xcode → after installation run at least once
    2. iTerm2
    3. Homebrew (
      • Execute: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
      • IF FILE NOT CREATED: touch ~/.zshrc
      • At the end: export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
      • Run source ~/.zshrc
      • Verify: brew help
    4. zsh: brew install zsh
    5. oh-my-zsh: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" (
    6. Sourcetree (
    7. Alfred (
    8. Sublime: brew install --cask sublime-text (
    9. IntelliJ Toolbox ( (optional)
    10. Microsoft Office Suite (App Store)
    11. Visual Studio Code (
    12. Java: brew install openjdk
    13. Mail program of your liking, e.g. Thunderbird (brew install --cask thunderbird) or Spark (App Store)
    14. Telegram, Signal, Spotify & WhatsApp:
    brew install --cask telegram
    brew install --cask signal
    brew install --cask spotify
    brew install --cask whatsapp
  4. Connect with Github account (
  5. Create Developer folder: mkdir ~/Developer (for a nice icon) & fetch relevant projects
  6. Setup task bar & dark mode → preferences