
use node.js, mysql, sequelize

Primary LanguageJavaScript

API endpoints

APIs VERB Parameters Description
/api/users POST (first_name, last_name, email, password) SignUp
/auth/signin POST (email, password) SignIn
/auth/userdata GET none Profile Data
/api/products GET None List of products
/api/products/:product_id GET (product_id) A product
/api/products/:product_id/purchased GET (product_id) Purchased Product content
/api/products/:product_id/reviews POST (body, rating) Add a review to a product
/api/products/:product_id/reviews DELETE (none) Delete a review from a product
/api/admin/products/ POST (name, price, description) Create product
/api/admin/products/:product_id PUT / DELETE (product_id) Update or delete product
/api/products/:product_id POST (product_id) Add product to cart
/api/users/reset-password POST (email) Issue new password via Mailgun
/api/account GET (none) Account info
/api/account PUT (email, fisrt_name, last_name) Update account info
/api/account/receipts GET (none) User's receipts
/api/cart GET (none) Get the cart
/api/cart POST (Product Id) Add an product to cart
/api/cart/:id DELETE (Item Id) Delete an item from cart
/api/payment/ POST (cart items array) Purchase the items in the cart