
Streamline HR tasks: easily access employee information online

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Ezform App

In this repository, you will build a full stack Employment Form app using React, Node/Express, and mySQL.


  • Make amendments to the database.
  • Make amendments to the API server.
  • Make amendments to the front end.



Run npm install in the project folder to install dependencies related to Express (the server).

cd client and run npm run dev install dependencies related to React (the client).

Database Prep

Create .env file in project directory and add


(replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your actual password)

Run the following in the MySQL CLI: ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'YOUR_PASSWORD'; (replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your actual password)

In the MySQL CLI, type create database employees; to create a database in MySQL.

Run npm run migrate in your TERMINAL, in the project folder (not your MySQL CLI! Open a new terminal window for this). This will create a table called 'work_info' and 'personal_info' in your database.

Run Your Development Servers

  • Run npm install express and npm start in project directory to start the Express server on port 4000
  • cd client, npm install vite and run npm run dev to start client server in development mode with hot reloading in port 5173.
  • Client is configured so all API calls will be proxied to port 4000 for a smoother development experience. Yay!
  • You can test your client app in http://localhost:5173
  • You can test your API in http://localhost:4000/api

Basic Requirements

Create a webpage with the following functionality:

  • A list of employees.
  • A form to add new employees. There should be fields to input the Personal Information and Work Information, separately.
    • After submitting the form in User View, the new employees should be added to the employees database and displayed on the Admin page.
  • Each employees can be added with a save button. After clicking on this button, employees should be added from the database and the updated list of employees shown on the page
  • Style the app to make it look as polished as possible. Bootstrap is already loaded in the index.html file, so you can use it if you want to.


Suggested Feature Extentsion:

  1. Login page for Admin & User respectively.
  2. Loading passport photos locally instead of URL.
  3. Download file (i.e pdf csv) button.
  4. Call the endpoints from the front end.
  5. Deleting and updating employee information.
  6. Search bar to filter employee based on department.
  7. Have an Admin View that initially only displays the names of employees, and upon clicking on a name, it shows the complete profile with passport photo, personal information, and work information. The info to display this profile should be obtained from a fetch request to /employees/:id

Suggested Process:

  1. Try and write the correct query in mysql.
  2. Use that query to finish the endpoints in /routes/employees.js.
  3. Test your endpoints using Postman.
