
An allergen-friendly restaurant finder website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Full Stack Friendly Food Finder App

In this repository, you will build a full stack Allgergen-friendly Food App app using React, Node/Express, and mySQL.


  • Build a database.
  • Build an API server.
  • Create front-end.


Run npm install in the project folder to install dependencies related to Express (the server).

cd client and run npm run dev install dependencies related to React (the client).

Database Prep

Create .env file in project directory and add


(replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your actual password)

Run the following in the MySQL CLI: ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'YOUR_PASSWORD'; (replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your actual password)

In the MySQL CLI, type create database employees; to create a database in MySQL.

Run npm run migrate in your TERMINAL, in the project folder (not your MySQL CLI! Open a new terminal window for this). This will create a table called 'work_info' and 'personal_info' in your database.

Run Your Development Servers

  • Run npm install, npm run migrate and npm start in project directory to retrive data from foodfinder database and start the Express server on port 4000
  • cd client, npm install vite and run npm run dev to start client server in development mode with hot reloading in port 5173.
  • Client is configured so all API calls will be proxied to port 4000 for a smoother development experience. Yay!
  • You can test your client app in http://localhost:5173
  • You can test your API in http://localhost:4000/api

Basic Requirements

Create a webpage with the following functionality:

  • A homepage that allows you to search for a selected list of cities in different countries based on allergen-friendly groups (e.g., dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan).
  • Each restaurant card displays the rating, address, phone number, and menu. You can also click on the map icon to get directions from your current location to the selected restaurant. Moreover, signing up as a member of the Friendly Food Finder App enables you to add restaurants to your favorites.
  • At the page's bottom, display a map showcasing markers for all restaurants in the searched city. Clicking on a marker provides an image, name, and address of the restaurant.
  • Within the favorites page, you also have the option to download a PDF containing your list of favorite restaurants. This PDF can be saved offline on your computer or printed out.
  • The "About Us" section introduces you to the team behind the creation of the app. Additionally, you can subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.


Suggested Process:

  1. Try and get the data for foodfinder database in mysql.
  2. Test your endpoints using Postman.
