
Azure examples for Cosmos DB with Node.js and mongoose incl. cost optimization

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Azure Examples: Cosmos DB and Mongoose

Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

This repository shows how to use Cosmos DB with Node.js and the MongoDB protocol with the popular mongoose npm package.

Example Demo Output:

$ npm run simple-examples

> node examples/simple/run.js

[INFO] Connected (…)
[INFO] Number of Families: 4
[INFO] New Family saved (…)
[INFO] Number of Families: 5
[INFO] Disconnected, bye bye

Azure Cost Optimization

By default Mongoose creates a new colleciton per model. Because Azure charges you per collection, it makes sense to use mongoose discriminators to leverage schema inheritance to optimize costs:

Then you only pay once for the Base model collection instaead of doubling costs for Family and Vacation models.

For more details see the cost optimized examples →


Step 1 - Create a Cosmos DB (Azure CLI)

Set Resource Names for Reuse

N.B. Cosmos DB account names must be globally unique

export COSMOS_DEMO_ACCOUNT_NAME=mycosmosdb-demo
export COSMOS_DEMO_RG_NAME=mycosmosdb-demo-rg

Create Cosmos DB Account

  • Free Tier: is limited to 1 account per subscription. Remove --enable-free-tier if required
  • Enable Aggregation Pipeline for mongoose's rich API, so we can use e.g. db.collection.countDocuments()
az cosmosdb create \
    --resource-group $COSMOS_DEMO_RG_NAME \
    --kind MongoDB \
    --capabilities EnableAggregationPipeline \
    --enable-free-tier true 	

Create Database

We will name ours mongodemo

az cosmosdb mongodb database create \
    --resource-group $COSMOS_DEMO_RG_NAME \
    --account-name $COSMOS_DEMO_ACCOUNT_NAME \
    --name mongodemo

Get Secret Key

Note: jq is used to parse JSON output from Azure CLI and is pre-installed on Azure DevOps hosted ubuntu agents.

az cosmosdb keys list \
    --resource-group $COSMOS_DEMO_RG_NAME \
    | jq '.primaryMasterKey' | sed 's/"//g'

Step 2 - Get Code

First you need the code in this repository

git clone https://github.com/julie-ng/cosmosdb-mongoose-example

Step 3 - Configure Credentials

To test your connection locally, copy .env.example and rename it to .env filling in your configuration, for example

# .env

Final Step - run the examples

npm install
npm run simple-examples
npm run optimized-examples


New to JavaScript?

Don't worry. These examples are easy to follow. But just in case, you need some guidance:

  • Promises and Async/Await
    To run multiple examples with a single connection, we have to add some extra Promises. See details at ./examples/README.md

  • ES6 Modules
    Compared to the official Microsoft documentation, each operation is split into its own file, e.g. family.add.js.

    Learn about ES6 modules here on MSN →

Have fun exploring the examples. If you have any questions, open an issue →