
.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X

Primary LanguageShell

Julie's dotfiles

Originally cloned, stripped and modified from Paul Irish's dotfiles with some further customizations.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run ./sync.sh and confirm deletion of existing files when prompted.

Custom Shell


Look and Feel

Additional Toools

Mac Adjustments

Git - Disable OS X Keychain

Mac OS by default wants to use the OS X keychain. But I want to use git-credential-netrc.

Verify problem with

$ git config --system credential.helper

Then try

git config --system --unset credential.helper

Then hopefully it uses our .gitconfig

GPG Keys

Copy keys to another computer, per gpg docs on exchanging keys.

  • requires passwords for the keys
  • note: this skips --armour flag, which creates ascii.

Export Keys

gpg --export <user@email> --output <public.gpg>
gpg --export-secret-keys <user@email> --output <private.gpg>

Import Keys

gpg --import <public.gpg>
gpg --import <private.gpg>

Trust Key

If later using the key there is an erorr message that says

"There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user gpg:",

then run

gpg --list-keys
gpg --edit-key <KEY_ID>
gpg> trust

and select 5

1 = I don't know or won't say
2 = I do NOT trust
3 = I trust marginally
4 = I trust fully
5 = I trust ultimately
m = back to the main menu

Using with .netrc

Use case: need to update GitHub API token.

First, decrypt the .netrc.gpg into .netrc

gpg --decrypt --recipient <user@email> -o .netrc .netrc.gpg

Make changes to .netrc

Then re-encrypt to a .netrc.gpg

gpg --encrypt --recipient <user@email> -o .netrc.gpg .netrc

Important: don't forget to delete unencrypted .netrc file