
source code for DrugBot, an application that I worked on while working as a research trainee at the Ma'ayan Lab at the Icahn School of Medicine during summer 2020.

application available for download: https://maayanlab.slack.com/apps/A016AFALY4B-drugbot

full repository: https://github.com/MaayanLab/Drugs-and-Genes-SlackBot.


The entrypoint of the application is in DrugBot/app/app.py; do not change the name of the file or directory.

Getting Started

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running in development

source venv/bin/activate
python run.py

And visit http://localhost:8080/DrugBot.

Installing new dependencies

Python dependencies

Ensure you update requirements.txt whenever installing a new dependency with pip.

System dependencies

In the case of extra (debian) system dependencies, add them to deps.txt.


Build for deployment

docker-compose build app


docker-compose push app

Execute locally

docker-compose run app