NeuralNetwork-Viterbi: A Framework for Weakly Supervised Video Learning

Code for the paper NeuralNetwork-Viterbi: A Framework for Weakly Supervised Video Learning


  • download the data from
  • extract it so that you have the data folder in the same directory as
  • create a results directory in the same directory where you also find mkdir results

Requirements: Python2.7 with the libraries numpy and pytorch


Run ./


Run ./ Note: adjust the variable n_threads in to your needs.


In the inference step, recognition files are written to the results directory. The frame-level ground truth is available in data/groundTruth. Run ./ --recog_dir=results --ground_truth_dir=data/groundTruth to evaluate the frame accuracy of the trained model.


We provide a python/pytorch implementation for easy usage. In the paper, we used an internal C++ implementation, so results can be slightly different. Running the provided setup on split1 of Breakfast should lead to roughly 42% frame accuracy.

If you use the code, please cite

A. Richard, H. Kuehne, A. Iqbal, J. Gall:
NeuralNetwork-Viterbi: A Framework for Weakly Supervised Video Learning
in IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018