This repo is for any public published samples from presentations or blog articles.
Please feel free to utilize the code at will. As such there are no guarantees that any code provided in this repo will function properly in all cases, and is meant for educational use only.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: All examples that are not written using the SharePoint framework are intended for classic SharePoint and, unless otherwise stipulated, are intended to be run inside the context of a SharePoint site collection. Where a 3rd party library was used I make an effort to point to a public CDN where available. Many of these examples have references to custom files that would be stored in a library in a site collection in my own tenant. Please make sure you review the locations of all reference libraries and make sure to adjust accordingly to your own needs.
Blog posts are linked here, with a link to the corresponding code to the right of the ->
SPFx Command Set Dialogs without DOM Manipulation using hTWOo React -> hTWOoDialogCommand
Using CSS Variables to Morph Your SPFx Design at Run Time -> CSSVariables
Curate the News: Social Following Sites on behalf of a user -> FollowSite
Conquer your dev toolchain in classic SharePoint -> DevelopmentToolchain
Creating a property pane for editing items in your SPFx web parts -> SPFXItemProperty
Utilizing ngOfficeUIFabric People Picker in SharePoint -> NGFabricUIPeoplePicker
SharePoint time, is not your time, is not their time. -> SPDateTime
Extending SharePoint with ADAL and the Microsoft Graph API -> MSGraph ADAL Intro
Extending Microsoft 365: Exploring the Art of the Possible
Microsoft 365 Development: Atomic Component Design
Sample: Webhooks
Sample: NPM Libraries for SPFx
Sample PnPjsV3
Sample: Atomic Design
Sample: PnPjs and Async/Await
Demo: Development Toolchain
Demo: C3 Chart -> C3 Chart
Demo: C3 Dashboard -> C3 Dashboard
Demo: Canvas Gauge -> Canvas Gauge
Demo: Microsoft Graph Excel -> MSGraph Excel
Demo: Actionable Message Azure Functions -> AMFunctions
Demo: Use adal.js library without a framework -> SPADALNoFramework
Demo: Use adal.js & adal-angular.js in AngularJS 1.x application -> SPADALAngular
Demo: Create Excel Spreadsheet from Client Side Widget -> SPADALMSGraphAPI
All Demos in the subfolder: SP Intro Client Dev
Demo: Get Manager/Peers/Direct Reports -> GetManagerPeerDR.ts
Demo: File from SharePoint to OneDrive -> FileSPtoOD.ts