
This repo is the base lib for extending helpers to render TypeScript in your project.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Provides a single simplified means for building TypeScript with:

  • Source Maps
  • Declaration Files
  • Minification

Other features:

  • Resolves using promises instead of streams for more easy of use and flexibility.
  • Use whatever Promise library you want.


Write your tasks like this:
	import {Target, Module, CoreTypeScriptOptions, BuildHelper} from "gulp-typescript-helper";
	const DEFAULTS:CoreTypeScriptOptions = {
	    noImplicitAny: true,
	    removeComments: true,
	    noEmitHelpers: true,
	    sourceMap: true,
	    declaration: true
	const builder = BuildHelper
	    // Setup the builder by injecting a promise constructor.
	    .inject(PromiseFactory) // Optional: will use Q as a default.
	    // Define your source folder and destination base path.
	    .fromTo(PATH.SOURCE, "./dist" , DEFAULTS);
	// Subsequent tasks are simplified down to this:
	    ()=> builder
	            MODULE.UMD + '.min',
	        .clear() // Clears the destination directory.
	        .minify() // Signals to enable minification (uglify).
	        .execute() // Commences the build pipeline
	            /* Whatever steps you want to do before completion */) //

See more real use cases and examples here: https://github.com/electricessence/TypeScript.NET/blob/master/_gulp/dist.ts