🤗 sagemaker-sdk-huggingface

This repostiory implements a cutsom sagemaker-sdk extension for the HuggingFace libraries. The repostoriy is split into 3 parts. First there is docker/, which contains the dockerfiles and scripts to create the AWS DLC for HuggingFace. Second there is hugginface/, which includes the custom HuggingFace() extension for the sagemaker-sdk. Lastly there is another folder examples/, which contains multiple examples on how to use the HuggingFace() extension for sagemaker-sdk

This Repository contains multiple examples "how to use the transformers and datasets library from HuggingFace with AWS Sagemaker". All Notebooks can be run locally or within AWS Sagemaker Studio.


🧱 HugginFace Deep Learning Container

You can build different HuggingFace Deep Learning Container to use them in AWS Sagemaker.

for training

  • a gpu container based on AWS DLC Pytorch1.6
  • a cpu container based on AWS DLC Pytorch1.6
  • a test container just checking if the parameters are passed correctly

for inference

  • a gpu container based on AWS DLC Pytorch1.6
  • a cpu container based on AWS DLC Pytorch1.6
  • a test container just checking if the parameters are passed correctly

🔮 Container Image List

NOTE: Sadly Sagemaker doesn´t support public.ecr.aws images so therefore, we have to used container in private registry. To use a private registry you can use the docker/build_push_private_ecr.sh script to build and push the container to your private ecr registry.

type device base python-version transformers-version datasets-version public-URL
training cpu aws dlc pytorch1.6.0-cpu-py36-ubuntu16.04 3.6.10 4.1.1 1.1.3 public.ecr.aws/t6m7g5n4/huggingface-training:0.0.1-cpu-transformers4.1.1-datasets1.1.3
training gpu aws dlc pytorch1.6.0-gpu-py36-cu110-ubuntu16.04 3.6.10 4.1.1 1.1.3 public.ecr.aws/t6m7g5n4/huggingface-training:0.0.1-gpu-transformers4.1.1-datasets1.1.3-cu110
inference cpu aws dlc pytorch1.6.0-cpu-py36-ubuntu16.04 3.6.10 4.1.1 1.1.3
inference gpu aws dlc pytorch1.6.0-gpu-py36-cu110-ubuntu16.04 3.6.10 4.1.1 1.1.3

⚙️ Script Arguments

You can pass mutliple named arguments to the script.

parameter default description
--image_type training The container image type either training, inference
--device cpu The container device either cpu, gpu or test
--account_id 558105141721 The aws account_id of the aws account/registry
--profile default The aws profile which going to be used. Pass ci for CI-Pipelines
--transformers_version 4.1.1 The transformers version which will be installed in the container
--datasets_version 1.1.3 The datasets version which will be installed in the container
--version 0.0.1 The container version


./docker/build_push_private_ecr.sh --device gpu --type training  --version 1.0.0

🏗 Build and Push Container Example

Since public.ecr is not supported by sagemaker currently you have to build the docker image for yourself and upload it to your private ecr registry.

GPU Container Training

cd docker && ./build_push_private_ecr.sh --device gpu --image_type training --profile hf-sm

GPU Container Inference

./docker/build_push_private_ecr.sh --device gpu --image_type inference

CPU Container Training

./docker/build_push_private_ecr.sh --device cpu --image_type training

CPU Container Inference

./docker/build_push_private_ecr.sh --device cpu --image_type inference

🧵 How to use HuggingFace sagemaker-sdk extension

This Repository contains multiple examples "how to use the transformers and datasets library from HuggingFace with AWS Sagemaker". All Notebooks can be run locally or within AWS Sagemaker Studio.

example strucute

Each folder starting with 0X_... contains an sagemaker example.
Each example contains a jupyter notebook sagemaker-example.ipynb, which is used to start train job on AWS Sagemaker or preprocess data.

As explained above, you are able to run these examples either on your local machine or in the AWS Sagemaker Studio.

Example Overview

example description
01_basic_example_huggingface_extension This example uses the custom HuggingFace sagemaker extension. In the fine-tuning scripts, it uses the Trainer class. The dataset is processed in jupyter notebook with the datasets library and then uploaded to S3.
02_spot_instances_with_huggingface_extension It is the same example as 01_basic_example_huggingface_extension, but we will use ec2 spot instances for training, which can reduce the training cost up to 90%
03_track_custom_metrics_huggingface_extension It is the same example as 02_spot_instances_with_huggingface_extension, but we will use custom_metrics to track validation metrics in our training job and plot them into the notebook

Getting started locally

If you want to use an example on your local machine, you need:

  • an AWS Account
  • configured AWS credentials on your local machine,
  • an AWS Sagemaker IAM Role

If you don´t have an AWS account you can create one here. To configure AWS credentials on your local machine you can take a look here. Lastly, to create an AWS Sagemaker IAM Role you can take a look here, beaware if you change the name of the role, you have to adjust it in the jupyter notebook. Now you have to install dependencies from the requirements.txt and you are good to go.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting started with Sagemaker Studio

If you want to use an example in sagemaker studio. You can open your sagemaker studio and then clone the github repository. Afterwards you have to install dependencies from the requirements.txt.


  • If you get an UnknownServiceError with Unknown service: 'sagemaker-featurestore-runtime' run pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade and restart your jupyter runtime.

Links: https://github.com/aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples/blob/master/advanced_functionality/custom-training-containers/script-mode-container-2/notebook/script-mode-container-2.ipynb


pytorch inference example