
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Launch app

At the root of the repository, use docker compose up -d to launch the app. Make sure to open Docker desktop app before using this command.

The backend will be accessible on port 3000 and the frontend on port 8080. PostgreSQL database is accessible on port 5432.

A database is created by default with the name matcha. The user and password are stored in the .env file. Make sure to delete the volumes if you want to execute the initialization scripts again.



Follow these instructions to install PostgreSQL on your Mac device. If you're have a M1 chip, make sure your architecture is arm64.

brew install postgresql@14

Start PostgreSQL to access the CLI.

brew services start postgresql@14

Check that PostgreSQL is Running and Loaded with

brew services info postgresql@14

Access docker container.

docker exec -it matcha-db-1 bash

Log into the CLI.

psql -U user matcha

List tables.



You can create default tables by specifying the PostgreSQL command inside backend/database/init. When you build and launch the Docker containers, these tables will be created if they don't exist and available in the app.


Migrations commands can be written in backend/database/migrations in the format [migration-number]_[action].sql (example: 001_create_user_table.sql).


Prettier and ESlint allow to smoothly format files across the app. Make you sure you have selected the default formatter in your VSCode settings.json.

 "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true