
A simple deep learning model to determine whether a tumor is malignant or benign.

Primary LanguagePython

Multilayer Perceptron: Cancer Diagnosis With Deep Learning | 42

This project is part of the 42 cursus AI field.

Its purpose is to determine whether tumors are benign or not from a CSV file called data.csv that you can find in assets folder.

It contains information about the shape, color and texture of each tumor, and I had to use them to create my own deep learning algorithm, without using libs that do the work for us like Tensorflow.


Install the required libraries with pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Go to src/multilayer_perceptron. In this folder, you can train the model and make predictions.

  • python3 training.py ../../assets/data.csv to train with data.csv (you can change the features file).
  • python3 prediction.py ../../assets/data.csv to predict on data.csv with saved weights and used features from the training phase.

Neural network structure

  • Input layer: 30 inputs, but a few of them are removed before training because they are irrelevant. I evaluate it with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and remove features that create redundancy. A bias is also added to the input layer.

  • Hidden layers: this multilayer perceptron contains 2 hidden layers, each containing 16 neurons that are activated using Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU).

  • Output layer: 2 neurons are located in the output layer. The first one represents the probability of the tumor to be malignant, and the other represents the probability of a benign tumor. These neurons are activated using softmax function.

NB: it would have been easier to deal with a single neuron in the output layer, but this project wanted to introduce softmax function that is mostly use to classify samples into several output classes.

Training and loss optimization

This deep learning model relies on a gradient descent algorithm. We look to minimize the error using the binary cross-entropy loss function derivative.

data.csv has been split into two parts:

  • 80% for training.
  • 20% for validation.

In this project, I realized that the key to avoid overfitting is to use Early Stopping and stop iterations whenever the validation loss stagnates or starts to decrease.

Hyperparameters are also important, and I ended up using α = 0.001 and epochs = 200. This is how I managed to get the best from my model.


.npy files are used to store weights and irrelevant features so that they can be removed on test datasets too.

For data.csv, Accuracy Score is 100% and Loss is 0.0598.

On unknow datasets, the model performs pretty well with Accuracy Score above 90% and Loss less than 0.1.


A few more features have been implemented to enhance the model performance, or to visualize the data:

  • Data visualization with histograms, box plots and a heatmap.
  • Early stopping to avoid overfitting during training.
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent.
  • Nesterov Accelerated Gradient (NAG).
  • Root Mean Square Propagation (RMS Prop).