
Docker image for https://github.com/mulesoft/api-console :whale:

MIT LicenseMIT


Docker image for https://github.com/mulesoft/api-console


$ docker pull joshuamarquez/api-console

Quick example

$ docker run -p 9000:9000 -d joshuamarquez/api-console

then go to http://localhost:9000 and you will see the example RAML API.

Use own RAML files

This image will load RAML file api.raml located in container at /api-console/dist/raml, so to replace it and even add you own RAML files structure just mount a VOLUME like below.

docker run -v $(pwd):/api-console/dist/raml -p 9000:9000 -p 35729:35729 -d joshuamarquez/api-console


  • For the command above to work a RAML file named api.raml should exists in the directory were command was ran the same for any types, traits, securitySchemes, resourceTypes, etc.
  • Any changes to RAML files mounted will be reflected instantly, thats why PORT 35729 needs to be exposed (livereload).