
Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree

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Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree

This is a Project to illustrate Data wrangling skills by using the legendary WeRateDogstweets. A lot of the wrangling is about merging the different data sets and cleaning unnecessary data or mistakes.

In this project, i will be using Tweepy to query Twitter's API for additional data beyond the data included in the WeRateDogs Twitter archive. This additional data will include retweet count and favorite count.

Gather each of the three pieces of data as described below in a Jupyter Notebook titled wrangle_act.ipynb:

  • one downloaded CSV file (twitter_archive_enhanced.csv)

  • one programmatically downloaded csv file with Request library (image_predictions.tsv)

  • and using Tweepy (Twitter API) to download a Tweet archive (JSON file into txt)

  • After Gathering the files I did the following steps: Assess (Quality and Tidiness), Clean (Define, Code, Test), Storing, Analyzing, Visualizing