Based on
- Linux (GCC, Clang): tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04
- Windows (MSVC, MinGW): tested on Windows 10 and 11
- Install the tools required to build the project:
sudo apt install cmake pkg-config ninja-build build-essential
- To build GLFW from source on Linux, a few extra packages must be installed as explained in GLFW documentation:
sudo apt install libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev xorg-dev
- Download the Vulkan SDK from LunarG. Replace
or any fixed version greater than1.3.268.0
mkdir VulkanSDK
cd VulkanSDK
tar -xvf vulkan_sdk.tar.xz
- In a terminal open at the project root directory, run the following commands:
# Use the desired Vulkan SDK
source path/to/VulkanSDK/${SDK_VERSION}/
# Configure the project
cmake -S . -B build -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
# Build the project
cmake --build build --config release
- To cross-compile from Ubuntu to Windows using MinGW, install the following packages:
sudo apt install cmake pkg-config ninja-build mingw-w64 7zip
- Then, install the Vulkan SDK for Windows:
mkdir VulkanSDK-Windows
cd VulkanSDK-Windows
7z x vulkan_sdk.exe -o${SDK_VERSION}
- Install the Vulkan SDK for Windows:
# In the UI select the desired install location and optional components
Install the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Compiler 2022 at least:
- if you want the full-fledged Visual Studio IDE, install Visual Studio 2022
- if you prefer just the command line tools, install the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022
Open a Powershell terminal with x64 build tools available, go at the project root location and run the following commands:
# Ensure the VULKAN_SDK environment variable is setup properly
echo $Env:VULKAN_SDK
# Configure the project
cmake -S . -B build -G "Ninja Multi-Config"
# Build the project
cmake --build build --config release
[-] Stop using FindVulkan as it is always outdated and use CMake config files from SDK
[-] Use Vulkan as min version to get proper CMake support from SDK => CMake config files from SDK are currently broken... => Will stay on
Define a custom minimal FindVulkan based on CMake's one => Not really minimal, but functionnal
Define the Vulkan min version once in CMake and propagate it anywhere needed
For native builds, require the SDK to be installed
For cross compile builds, requires SDK for target system to be installed
- For cross compile builds, if host tools are required (glslc) build them from sources if not already installed
- (?) Add support for a VULKAN_SDK_HOST env var for systems having host and target SDK