
[Abandonned] A very simple version of the twitter api to learn how to create a REST API using Rust and the actix framework

Primary LanguageRust

Twitter Clone

A Rest API as an "Hello world" with Rust, Actix-web and PostgreSQL following this tutorial.

API Design

    GET: list last 50 tweets
    POST: create a new tweet
    GET: find a tweet by its ID
    DELETE: delete a tweet by its ID
    GET: list all likes attached to a tweet
    POST: add +1 like to a tweet
    DELETE: add -1 like to a tweet


This project requires:

  • Rustc - cargo installed
  • PostgreSQL running server
  • diesel_cli

1. Setup the PostgreSQL database (on macOS)

# Install Postgres
brew install postgres

# start Postgres database
brew services start postgresql
# and $ brew services stop postgresql # to stop

# Create main user and set role
psql postgres
# Then type this in the interactive term
> CREATE ROLE username WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password';

# Then type \q + Enter to quit.
# Install pgAdmin 4

# Create migration (if doesn't exists)
# diesel migration generate create_tweets
# diesel migration generate create_likes

# Exec migration
diesel migration run
diesel migration redo
# Setup database
diesel setup

# Launch dev server
cargo run

# Tests
cargo test