
A rails 6 API starter with a minimal user model and devise-jwt auth-ed account setting. Now in V1. The prod link has no front nor root path. It only exists to receive requests.

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails API


Public (without token)

POST /sign_up

data-form body:

  user[username]: "something",
  user[email]: "something@yopmail.com",
  user[password]: "something"

After sign-up, user needs to sign-in to get token

POST /sign_in

data-form body:

  user[email]: "something@yopmail.com",
  user[password]: "something"

Token is in the "Authorization" header

Private (token mandatory)

the following requests need authorization header

DELETE /sign_out no body

GET /users visualize public info for all users

GET /users/id visualize public info for specified user

GET /api/v1/profile visualize own profile, all info except for password

DELETE /api/v1/profile


  id: 3
  status: 'user deleted'

PATCH or PUT /api/v1/profile

data-form body:

  user[username]: "something"