Project: Webistic

20200513-14 Julie Kwok

see demo here

Page behaviour

  1. Default language is FR. On top right, there are 2 btns for the other 2 available languages. Hover shows indication, click changes site language.
  2. Last used language is saved for next visit.
  3. All languages share a common url on the same page
  4. Click on navbar links to see 3 main pages
  5. Click on link of works page for separated cases

Other disclosures

  1. all pages except for home is render with exactly the same component.
  2. Can handle cases where translation doesn't fil the original in terms of number of sections or paragraphs. But CSS is always the same: a h3 and a p
  3. To add translations, pages and case, only need to 1) add jsons in Translations, add language flag in images, add language in index.jsx, add corresponding items in Constants. Everthing else is done by iteration.
  4. It is SLOW on localhost (I imagine given all the iterations) but seems to be OK
  5. the .env is not ignored because, really, there is nothing sensitive


  1. Chinese quotes don't need to be escaped in json, but numbers do have to be quoted.

  2. Closing a tab or a page won't trigger unmount hook. Things are interrupted so no way of doing anything. To save the "last" language preference, I actually had to save it every time it changes.

  3. So...if there is no exact in Route of /, you might have the content of / before the content of any page. Exact means exact: the path will be "root + what you write", elimination any possible existing url params.

  4. Oh my god why are there footers in the world ?

  • it seems that a negative margin-bottom and a hight keeps them where they belong
  • position:absolute; plus width:100%; will go all along to the right extreme ignoring whatever margin and padding on the right you might have
  1. If there are things I only do in useEffect, I shall avoid defining it outside of the effect, so that not to trigger warning.

  2. Seems that / path doesn't get to use dynamic routing coz slug is undefined. It is possible to add optional slugs (after something that is sure to exist but before nothing else) by adding :optionalSlug?

  3. There is a guide to deploy on here, just that the npm package and the command are now "vercel" instead of "now"

  4. To have a docile footer that always sticks to the bottom, see (here)[] (I kinda feel that the essential is not using <footer> but <div id="footer"/>)


  1. Didn't manage the url separation for languages.
  • quite easy to have a separated Url that updates but page wouldn't fill
  • language changes, URL stays the same
  • did try out dynamic routing and language basename for every page. Now when I change the lang with a btn, URL is still the same. If I change manually the url and even refresh, the content doesn't change
  • react-router-dom has a useHistory option. But it does not give access to the lang basename.
  • .........
  1. hmmm at this time, type /whatever/a-valid-case-study will lead you to the case page...

Bug report
