Project ; Mini Social Network

Julie Kwok, 20200526-28

Luca Montaigut (@LazyRabbit)[] provided great help in understanding when to use Redux and generously share his propositions.

Many thanks to Matthieu and Mathis, who have eagle eyes.

demo (here)[]


usernames are not sluggified and I don't plan to.

Testing accounts

Page behaviours

for anyone

  • Nav: three links, click on page name goes back to home
  • Any list view: limited to 20 posts, classed from latest to earliest

for unlogged user

  • Nav: three choices, home, sign-up, sign-in
  • Home: displays a list of post, with no author and no like
  • Sign-in: can sign in and gets directed to profile
  • Sign-up: can sign up and gets directed to profile
  • Profile/ user/id: will redirect to sign-in

for logged user

  • Nav: three choices, home, profile, sign-out
  • Home: displays a list of page, with author and like, input available for new post
  • Profile: can see profile or modify, sees update info right away
  • Logout: logs out and redirects to sign-in page
  • SignIn/SignUp: will redirect to profile
  • List on Home or any Profile: click on author name to see profile

for "ME"

  • post: can delete own, page doesn't reload
  • profile: can update own, page doesn't reload

What's in redux

  1. user authentication info: jwt, user ID, whether there is one present
  2. list of post, in Home, in Profile, in profile of any user


  1. I used to use window.location.href="/" to redirect pages. Now I know there is useHistory()
  2. useAnything() can work and only work when it's in the root of a functional component
  3. in a fetch, you put the headers in headerS instead of header
  4. Redux is only good if there is a high-level "state/context" that needs to be accessible anywhere. If a state is local, forget redux.
  5. its worth considering the structure of an API before hand (do I want to use the name as a slug? What kind of error do I want)
  6. Spelling is so, so important