POST /sign_up
data-form body:
user[first_name]: "something",
user[last_name]: "something",
user[username]: "something",
user[email]: "",
user[password]: "something"
After sign-up, user needs to sign-in to get token
POST /sign_in
data-form body:
user[email]: "",
user[password]: "something"
Token is in the "Authorization" header
the following requests need authorization header
DELETE /sign_out no body
GET /users visualize public info for all users
GET /users/id visualize public info for specified user
GET /profile visualize own profile, all info except for password
PATCH /users/id
only allowed on one's own profile
data-form body:
user[first_name]: "something",
user[last_name]: "something",
user[username]: "something",
user[email]: "",
user[password]: "something"
DELETE /users/id
only allowed on one's own profile
id: 3
status: 'user deleted'
GET /images visualize all public or own images
GET /images/id visualize specified image, if private, returns "can not find"
POST /images
data-form body:
image[description]: "something",
image[extension]: "something",
image[stream]: "something",
image[is_private]: true
PATCH /images/id only allowed on one's own image
data-form body:
image[description]: "something",
image[extension]: "something",
image[stream]: "something",
image[is_private]: true
DELETE /images/id only allowed on one's own image
GET /profile/images visualize one's own images
GET /users/id/images visualize a specified user's visible images
POST /images/id/comments can not comment on an image you can't see currently supports that children and parent have different image ref
data-form body:
comment[content]: "something",
comment[parent_id]: n, (optional)
GET /comments/id visualize a specified comment
PATCH /comments/id only allowed on one's own comment as author currently supports that children and parent have different image ref
data-form body:
comment[content]: "something",
comment[parent_id]: n, (optional)
DELETE /comments/id only allowed on one's own comment as author cannot delete comments that have children
GET profile/comments visualize all one's own comments