Julie Kwok

To visualize the app on Heroku:https://julie-todo.herokuapp.com/

  • on top: the "check mail" button generates a new mail, marked as activat item in the list. A new mail is displayed in blue. (2.3 ✔️)

  • below on the left : a list of all recived mails

  • below on the right: a detailed view of selected email(empty by default) (2.2 ✔️)

click any mail in the list on the left to visualize its content detail on the right. The selected email becomes an active item in the list (2.4 ✔️)

Once a mail is selected, two buttons will appear below the content details:

  • Delete (deletes email from left and right, reset the detail section to empty) (2.5 ✔️)
  • Mark as unread(marks email as unread without refreshing. Unread = object displayed in bold in the list on the left)( the other 2.5 ✔️)(❗ didn't do the "mark as READ" part coz any click will automatically put the mail as read)