
A pedal to control Positive Grid Spark amp using RPI Zero W over Bluetooth

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SparkPal: Pedal for PG Spark Amp


This project is built with Node.js on Raspberry Pi Zero W. It connects to Positive Grid Spark amp over bluetooth connection and allows users to change preset 1-4 by tapping Up/Down, and turn individual Drive/Mod/Delay on/off by tapping its individual switch, like other commmon multi-effect pedal control apprach.

Demo video here

↓↓↓↓↓ Fun Time ↓↓↓↓↓ Demo image

This project is inspired by Justin's tinderboxpedal project, and Morgan's command list was a great help for verifying my findings.


  • Raspberry Pi Zero W (with bluetooth module) with micro SD card
  • SSD1306 OLED LCD
  • 5 normally open switches
  • 3mm LEDs X 3 and resistors
  • Enclosure box(I haven't decided yet, so let me know if any recommendations.)


Environment Setup

  • Execute sudo raspi-config, go to "Interfacing Options" and enable I2C (for the OLED display)
  • Execute sudo apt-get install build-essential libbluetooth-dev
  • Execute npm install in the project folder to install the libs