
SparkStressDB is an application to do stress test and database overload (Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL) and also to stress Kafka and HDFS Hadoop

Primary LanguageJava


SparkStressDB is an application to do stress test and database overload (Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL) and also to stress Kafka and HDFS Hadoop

Version compatibility and branching

SparkStress Spark Cassandra MongoDB Redis Kafka
1.0 2.3.x and 2.4.x >= 2.1 >= 3.0 >=4.0 > = 1.1.0

How to use

  • Example :

    spark-submit --class SparkStressDB --master spark://centos-vm-01.localdomain:7077 target/scala-2.11/spark-stress-assembly-0.1.jar 1000000 MongoDB

  • Argument :

    • size : Long type
    • DB : you can use (Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, Kafka)
  • Notice:

    • Before using kafka you should delete a topic stress if exist

    ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete --topic stress