
Hiring test pet project

Primary LanguageHCL

bigtime-api ☁️

Note: Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. 😉

BigTime® Inc. is a company that thrives on selling innovative products to the general consumer market such as:

  • BigTime® BigBox: 🕰 a massive device that can give the time using a round dial
  • BigTime® BigBox Mini: ⌚️ same feature, but with a smaller form factor that can be conveniently carried on the wrist.

Those have been hits on the general consumer market. But the company CEO, Jan-Michael van de Cloq, wants to expand the targeted client base by including a new (strange) population: software developers.

A freshly hired product manager, let's call him L., has been tasked with creating an MVP of an HTTP REST API that will provide software developers around the world an easy way to tell time. After thourough investigations on which tech stack to use, L. has settle on going serverless with Amazon Web Services' API Gateway and Lambda.

Requirements 📝

  • API exposed using AWS API Gateway, with Lambda backend
  • CTO's a Slytherin, solution should be written in Python 3 🐍
  • Single ressource /currentTime that can accept only GET requests
  • Deployment steps should be called through make deploy
  • Removal of deployed resources can be performed with make destroy
  • Ops team should be notified on backend error


  • Assume that the team that will deploy this API has all administrative rights to do so
  • Any authentication is out of scope

Bonus 🥇

  • Log access to the API
  • Provide usage stats (number of times the resource has been called) for the last 15 days

API Description 🤓

GET /currentTime[?tz=tzName]
Query parameters Type Required Description
tz string No Timezone database name


200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

    "currentTime": <ISO-8601 timestamps for the selected timezone>

Shipping the project

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Work on your own branch
  3. Open a PR from your fork to this repository when the job's done
  4. 👍