• Créer le calendrier ✔️
  • Ajout setCheckIn / setChekOut ✔️
  • Ajout d'une librairie vue.js ✔️
  • Ajout d'une librairie react-native ⏰
  • Ajout d'une clé pour le checkIn / checkOut + Date entre ✔️
  • Ajout des disabled dates ✔️
  • Ajout des bookings ✔️
  • Ajout des périodes ⏰
    • Ajout des différent cas
  • Réfléchir à la gestion du Hover

Return a Month which look's like :

  days: Day[]
  monthKey: number
  monthName: string
  yearKey: number
  • days : Array of Day
  • monthKey : The month key
  • monthName : The month name in english
  • yearKey : The year key

Return a Day which look's like :

  "belongsToThisMonth": boolean,
  "date": Date,
  "dayNumber": number,
  "formatDay": string,

  "isDisabled": boolean,
  "isBookingDate": boolean,
  "isCheckInCheckOutHalfDay": boolean,
  "isCheckInHalfDay": boolean,
  "isCheckOutHalfDay": boolean,
  "isInCheckinHalfDayAndNotCheckin": boolean

Props :

bookingColors = { admin: "#000000" };
  • isDisabled : Day is disabled => In a booking and not a checkOutDay / bookedDates
  • isBookingDate : Day is in bookingsDate
  • isCheckInCheckOutHalfDay : Day is a startDate / endDate of a booking so an half day
  • isCheckInHalfDay : Day is a startDate of a booking
  • isCheckOutHalfDay : Day is a endDate of a booking
  • isInCheckinHalfDayAndNotCheckin : Day is a startDate of a booking and not a checkIn