This program was developed at Mission Critical IT by Ian MacLarty, Peter Wang and Peter Ross, its webpage is at I'm (Paul Bone) now maintaining it here on for Mission Criticdal IT and with Ian's permission.
First install Google's protoc (available from
Then install a recent version of Mercury.
If you are building from an svn checkout do:
autoreconf -i
make check
sudo make install
If you are building from the distribution you can omit the autoreconf step.
If you get a link error you may need to run ldconfig and try again.
To generate a Mercury module file from a .proto file do:
mprotoc my_protocol.proto --out .
This will generate the module my_protocol.m in the current directory.
The runtime module is located in the mercury directory (protobuf_runtime.m). This module is not installed by default. You can install it using mmc --make or you can simply copy it into your source tree.
Note that you may get some warnings from mmc about unused imports when compiling the generated module. You can turn these off by adding a line like:
to your Mercury.options file.
For an example of how to use protocol buffers in Mercury, see the samples directory.