The PLUMCOT corpus provides annotation for face recognition, transcription (available for all episodes), person named-entities, speech activity (durationa, available for all episodes), and speaker identities (durationi) of 16 TV (or movie) series :
Serie | Transcription | Entities | Speech | ||||||
title | short | episodes | duration | tokens | episodes | tokens | episodes | durationa | durationi |
24 | - | 195 | 136:24 | 868,782 | - | - | - | 36:17 | - |
Battlestar Galactica | BG | 71 | 52:16 | 264,066 | - | - | 61 | 10:53 | 08:49 |
Breaking Bad | BB | 61 | 46:29 | 205,952 | - | - | 61 | 17:06 | 17:06 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Buffy | 143 | 101:18 | 587,165 | 12 | 73,301 | 143 | 25:55 | 25:55 |
ER | - | 283 | 201:02 | 1,747,563 | - | - | - | 63:06 | - |
Friends | - | 233 | 84:56 | 618,237 | - | - | 233 | 28:04 | 28:04 |
Game of Thrones | GoT | 60 | 53:09 | 278,917 | 10 | 53,035 | 60 | 19:13 | 19:13 |
Harry Potter | HP | 8 | 18:51 | 63,677 | 1 | 12,250 | 4 | 02:44 | 01:28 |
Homeland | - | 70 | 57:49 | 333,405 | - | - | - | 12:24 | - |
Lost | - | 66 | 46:48 | 367,546 | 7 | 66 | 07:12 | 07:12 | |
Six Feet Under | SFU | 63 | 56:43 | 326,542 | - | - | - | 15:11 | - |
Star Wars | SW | 7 | 15:05 | 75,903 | 1 | 18,123 | 7 | 02:13 | 02:13 |
The Big Bang Theory | TBBT | 207 | 68:41 | 547,193 | 17 | 61,285 | 207 | 25:23 | 25:23 |
The Lord of the Rings | TLOR | 3 | 08:56 | 29,162 | - | - | 3 | 00:47 | 00:47 |
The Office | TO | 188 | 71:45 | 575,500 | 6 | 24,692 | 188 | 30:15 | 30:15 |
The Walking Dead | TWD | 89 | 65:00 | 321,334 | 19 | 93,599 | 25 | 08:32 | 02:46 |
TOTAL | - | 1,747 | 1085:20 | 7,210,944 | 73 | 336,285 | 1,058 | 305:25 | 169:19 |
Transcriptions were scraped from various fan-websites, see LICENSE.
Person named-entities annotation were annotated semi-automatically from the transcripts, see CONTRIBUTING.
Speaker annotations come from forced-alignment on series transcripts except for Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones which were manually annotated by Bost et al.
Face recognition annotations consists of a dataset of images labeled with the featured characters, scrapped from IMDb. No bounding box nor video identification annotations are provided (for now).
In addition, this repository provides a Python API to access the corpus programmatically.
Until the package has been published on PyPI, one has to run the following commands:
$ git clone
$ pip install pyannote-db-plumcot
Please refer to pyannote.database for a complete documentation.
export PYANNOTE_DATABASE_CONFIG=$PWD/pyannote-db-plumcot/Plumcot/data/database.yml
>>> from pyannote.database import get_protocol
# you can access the whole dataset using the meta-protocol 'X'
>>> plumcot = get_protocol('X.SpeakerDiarization.Plumcot')
# Note : this might take a while...
>>> plumcot.stats('train')
{'annotated': 710303.0550000002, 'annotation': 383730.8849999984, 'n_files': 681, 'labels': {...}}
# or access each serie individually, e.g. 'HarryPotter'
>>> from pyannote.database import get_protocol
>>> harry = get_protocol('HarryPotter.SpeakerDiarization.0')
>>> harry.stats('train')
{'annotated': 5281.429999999969, 'annotation': 2836.8099999998867, 'n_files': 2, 'labels': {...}}
# get the first file of HarryPotter.SpeakerDiarization.0's test set
>>> first_file = next(harry.test())
>>> first_file['uri']
# top 5 speakers of HarryPotter.Episode01
>>> first_file['annotation'].chart()[:5]
[('harry_potter', 417.1699999999951),
('rubeus_hagrid', 321.49000000000785),
('ron_weasley', 259.1599999999926),
('hermione_granger', 217.5499999999979),
('albus_dumbledore', 186.04999999999941)]
# On some files we provide entity linking annotation in a SpaCy Doc
# Beware, this might lead to a KeyError
>>> entity = first_file['entity']
>>> from pyannote.core import Segment
>>> for token in entity[:11]:
>>> segment = Segment(token._.time_start, token._.time_end)
>>> print(f'{segment} {token._.speaker}: {token.text} -> {token.ent_kb_id_}')
[ 00:01:18.740 --> 00:01:18.790] albus_dumbledore: I -> albus_dumbledore
[ 00:01:18.830 --> 00:01:18.980] albus_dumbledore: should ->
[ 00:01:18.980 --> 00:01:19.100] albus_dumbledore: have ->
[ 00:01:19.160 --> 00:01:19.430] albus_dumbledore: known ->
[ 00:01:19.460 --> 00:01:19.580] albus_dumbledore: that ->
[ 00:01:19.600 --> 00:01:19.700] albus_dumbledore: you -> professor_mcgonagall
[ 00:01:19.700 --> 00:01:19.820] albus_dumbledore: would ->
[ 00:01:19.820 --> 00:01:19.940] albus_dumbledore: be ->
[ 00:01:19.940 --> 00:01:20.380] albus_dumbledore: here ->
[ 00:01:21.660 --> 00:01:22.130] albus_dumbledore: ...Professor ->
[ 00:01:22.380 --> 00:01:22.600] albus_dumbledore: mcgonagall -> professor_mcgonagall
Note that the previous dataset is also suitable for Speech Activity Detection but is smaller.
>>> from pyannote.database import get_protocol
# you can access the whole dataset using the meta-protocol 'X'
>>> plumcot = get_protocol('X.SpeakerDiarization.SAD')
# Note : this might take a while...
>>> plumcot.stats('train')
{'annotated': 1286065.3450000014, 'annotation': 716507.5149999945, 'n_files': 1144, 'labels': {...}}
# or access each serie individually, e.g. 'HarryPotter'
>>> harry = get_protocol('HarryPotter.SpeakerDiarization.SAD')
>>> harry.stats('train')
{'annotated': 12864.489999999932, 'annotation': 5853.799999999804, 'n_files': 5, 'labels': {...}}
# get the first file of HarryPotter.SpeakerDiarization.0's test set
>>> first_file = next(harry.test())
>>> first_file['uri']
# The 'transcription' key should *always* be available, even when speaker identity is not
>>> transcription = first_file['transcription']
>>> from pyannote.core import Segment
>>> for token in transcription[:11]:
>>> s = Segment(token._.time_start, token._.time_end)
>>> print(f'{s}: {token.text}')
[ 00:01:18.740 --> 00:01:18.790]: I
[ 00:01:18.830 --> 00:01:18.980]: should
[ 00:01:18.980 --> 00:01:19.100]: have
[ 00:01:19.160 --> 00:01:19.430]: known
[ 00:01:19.460 --> 00:01:19.580]: that
[ 00:01:19.600 --> 00:01:19.700]: you
[ 00:01:19.700 --> 00:01:19.820]: would
[ 00:01:19.820 --> 00:01:19.940]: be
[ 00:01:19.940 --> 00:01:20.380]: here
[ 00:01:21.660 --> 00:01:22.130]: ...Professor
[ 00:01:22.380 --> 00:01:22.600]: mcgonagall
Note: we don't provide for the series audio or video files! You'll need to acquire them yourself then place them in the relevant serie directory (e.g.
) with file name formatted as<file_uri>.en16kHz.wav
. See also DVD section.
Transcripts, diarization and entities annotation can be found as text file in Plumcot/data
sub-directory. Formats etc. are described in
The face recognition dataset is provided from an external link : TODO. Alternatively, you can scrap the images yourself using scripts/
Some issues were not anticipated before annotation of entities, resulting in those hacks (implemented in Plumcot.loader
so beware if you use the raw data), see also #13.
- Since we only annotated person-named entities, the entity type (which was originally set automatically) is always set to "PERSON" when entity label is not empty and to "" otherwise.
- Entities annotation is tokenized, unlike forced-alignment. It's not straightforward to align both annotations.
If both are provided (i.e. in
protocols), we follow the tokenization of forced-alignment (i.e. split on whitespaces), therefore some linguistic attributes (e.g. POS) may be lost in the process. If you're not interested in the audio/timing content of the annotation, you can use theEL
protocols (e.g. 'HarryPotter.SpeakerDiarization.EL') which follow the tokenization of the entity. These were used to obtain the NER results reported in the paper (see also the script
Episode numbering relies on IMDb.
We acquired zone 2 (i.e. Europe) DVDs. DVDs were converted to mkv and wav using dvd_extraction.
provides the audio duration of the resulting wav files.
Some (double) episodes are numbered as two different episodes in the DVDs although they're numbered as one in IMDb. These are listed in the double_episodes/
folder of the relevant serie, if needed.
TODO: automate the creation of
files so that the user doesn't have to replace/vol/work3/lefevre/dvd_extracted/
The episodes are then concatenated using ffmpeg:
cd pyannote-db-plumcot/
bash scripts/ <serie_uri> </path/to/wavs>
Note that this will only create a new wav file resulting of the concatenation of <episode.i>
and <episode.j>
named like <episode.i.j>
but it will not fix the numbering of the others episodes (TODO: add code to do it ?)
Some labels are ambiguous depending on whether we focus on the speaker or on the entity.
We decided to focus on the entity as much as possible, e.g. 'Obiwan Kenobi' has the same label in the old and the new Star Wars movies, although it is not the same actor (i.e. speaker).
However, we annotated following the IMDb credits which are not always consistent, e.g. the emperor in Star Wars doesn't have the same label in the old and the new episodes.
Disclaimer : we do not intend to use the whole
corpus to train or evaluate speaker diarization systems! Indeed, the classes are largely imbalanced, a lot of actors (i.e. speakers) play in multiple series and a lot of characters share labels across series (seeactor_counter
, respectively).
Moreover, some secondary characters (most don't have proper names) are played by several different actors through the same serie. These are listed in not_unique.json
and should be removed from the evaluation (TODO).
IMDb credits were updated on 17/03/2020 in 123e37cb, therefore some annotated labels are inconsistent with these new IMDb credits and should be updated (TODO).
The source code (or "Software") if freely available under the MIT License
All speech annotations, regarding speaker identity or speech regions are licensed under CC BY 4.0.
All textual content, dialogues and derived annotations are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the Fair Use Clause of the Copyright Law. We only share them for research purposes.
They were scraped from various fan websites:
Bost, X., Labatut, V., Linares, G., 2020. Serial speakers: a dataset of tv series. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.06923.