
Microservices Architecture with Spring Cloud services ; Netflix OSS (Eureka, Hystrix etc.)

Primary LanguageJava

E-Cinema Application

Example of an application in Spring Boot and Netflix OSS using fundamentals of best practices microservice architecture.


  • Java SE Development Kit
  • Spring Tools IDE
  • Maven
  • Docker

Methodologies and Patterns

  • DDD
  • TDD
  • Clean Code
  • Solid

Built with:

Microservices Architecture


Challenges in microservices architecture

  • Configuration Management
  • Dynamic Scalling Up and Down
  • Load Distribution
  • Visibility and Monitoring
  • Common Feature Implementation
  • Fault Tolerance



Microservices Description
Service Discovery Eureka server
Authorization-Service Port:8085 Responsible to allow access to microservices
Ticket-Service Port:9192 Responsible to provide access to ticket
Payment-Service Port:9191 Responsible to process payments from ticket or products
Product-Service Port:9193 Responsible to provide products
Config-Server Port:9196 Responsible to provide information and parameters for common application properties

Docker Containers

#container responsible to storage cache
docker run -it --name redis -p 6379:6379  redis:5.0.3
#container responsible to persist ticket data
docker run -- name db_postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=your_password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres 
#container responsible to persist payment data
Docker run –- name mongodatabase -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo


Cache is one of the approaches to optimize access to systems data, where we avoid repetitive requests in the original data sources, which are usually large structures, complex and not always performance, so with cache, we start to consult more optimized locations, which provide quick access through keys.

Configuration Using with @CacheEvict and @Cacheable annotations


The Hystrix Dashboard allows you to monitor Hystrix metrics in real time.

ELK Stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana

Stack Description
Elasticsearch NoSQL database based on the Lucene search engine
Logstash Log pipeline tool that accepts inputs/logs from various sources
Kibana Kibana is a visualization UI Layer

Capture logs from Logstash

Custom Dashboard with Kibana