Promotion API

This API was built during a study of best practices using kotlin and spring boot


  • Java 8 or plus
  • Maven
  • Docker

Running application

  • With docker imagem
#git clone repo
$ git clone  
#select root directory
$ cd promotion-api
#execute maven build 
$ mvn clean package
#Create basic docker imagem from solution.
$ docker build -t juliherms/promotion-api:v1 .
#Show the created image
$ docker image ls
#Execute docker compose
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-integrated.yml up
  • With maven
#git clone repo
$ git clone 
#select root directory
$ cd promotion-api
#execute image dependencies (MySQL and Redis)
docker-compose up
#execute whit maven
$ mvn spring-boot:run

Swagger UI

Running into CGP Cloud Platform

MySQL Database instance

Container Registry

Google Cloud Kubernetes Platform