
Primary LanguageHTML


  • Plan·It is a clone of Doodle which is used for scheduling events within a group.
  • This was created for a group midterm project as part of our learnings at Lighthouse Labs.


  • Visitors can create an event proposal in much the same way as Doodle, by specifying:
    • event title and description
    • their own name and email
    • organizers can then send the unique URL to possible attendees via their own communication workflow (email, Slack, Messenger, etc.)
  • Attendees visit the unique URL and:
    • specify their name and email
    • specify their availability (yes/no only) for each possible time slot
    • view all responses including their own
    • delete responses
  • The unique URL should be auto-generated and difficult to guess
  • Note: this app does not follow the typical user authentication process: users don't need to register or log in and the only way to access the Plan·It is via links


  • Node 10.x or above
  • NPM 5.x or above
  • PG 6.x
  • body-parser 1.19.0
  • chalk 2.4.2
  • dotenv 2.0.0
  • ejs 2.6.2
  • express 4.17.1
  • morgan 1.9.1
  • node-sass-middleware 0.11.0
  • pg 6.4.2
  • pg-native 3.0.0

LHL Node Skeleton

Project Setup

The following steps are only for one of the group members to perform.

  1. Create your own copy of this repo using the Use This Template button, ideally using the name of your project. The repo should be marked Public
  2. Verify that the skeleton code now shows up in your repo on GitHub, you should be automatically redirected
  3. Clone your copy of the repo to your dev machine
  4. Add your team members as collaborators to the project so that they can push to this repo
  5. Let your team members know the repo URL so that they use the same repo (they should not create a copy/fork of this repo since that will add additional workflow complexity to the project)

Getting Started

  1. Create the .env by using .env.example as a reference: cp .env.example .env
  2. Update the .env file with your correct local information
  • username: labber
  • password: labber
  • database: midterm
  1. Install dependencies: npm i
  2. Fix to binaries for sass: npm rebuild node-sass
  3. Reset database: npm run db:reset
  • Check the db folder to see what gets created and seeded in the SDB
  1. Run the server: npm run local
  • Note: nodemon is used, so you should not have to restart your server
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/

Warnings & Tips

  • Do not edit the layout.css file directly, it is auto-generated by layout.scss
  • Split routes into their own resource-based file names, as demonstrated with users.js and widgets.js
  • Split database schema (table definitions) and seeds (inserts) into separate files, one per table. See db folder for pre-populated examples.
  • Use the npm run db:reset command each time there is a change to the database schema or seeds.
    • It runs through each of the files, in order, and executes them against the database.
    • Note: you will lose all newly created (test) data each time this is run, since the schema files will tend to DROP the tables and recreate them.