
Simple Minesweeper in ReactJS using Context API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

minesweeper build status code coverage


Popular minesweeper game written in Pure React.


The app is built using Continuous Integration Provided by Circle CI & is continously deployed on Netlify at: https://quirky-hoover-b70e75.netlify.app/

Feature Details

  • Dynamically generate 16x16 board of tiles. Fully extensible in future to allow for Easy, Medium & Hard difficulties.
  • Randomly hide 40 bombs behind the tiles. Again, fully customizable in future to support different game plays.
  • Allows the user to flag a tile containing the bomb and remove it. User is able to track the number of flags remaining.
  • Show number of ajacent tiles containing bomb for the revealed tiles.
  • Reveal all empty tiles nearby if the user clicks an empty tile.
  • Allow user to restart the game if they ever step on a bomb.
  • Built in timer that starts & stops with the game play. Can be used as basis for calculation of High Scores in the future.

Technical Details

Single-page App written using React. Uses React Context-API & a custom useReducer hook for managing the state ala Redux style. Extensive test coverage using Unit & Integration testing on top of Jest & react testing library (currently at 95%). Implements Flood Fill algorithm for recursively revealing of empty tiles if user ever clicks one. Uses NES.css framework for giving retro look to the game.




MIT License 2020, Sandeep Kumar Chopra