
weather-app repository for the dojo program 22

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Weather-App Infrastructure repository

This repository is used to deploy the required infrastructure in the Contino APAC AWS account. It requires the following aws credentials to be updated in Github Secrets before deploying this repo: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN. This project should be the first deployment of the app.

3 Musketeers

The provided makefile, dockerfile , and docker-compose.yml files work together to create a docker container which is used to run Terraform deployments and other supported commands. It expects AWS account credentials to be passed as environment variables.

To run a simple aws command, ensure you have set your aws temporary credentials in your local environment and run the following

make list_bucket

Deploying Terraform environment locally - creates tfplan file during plan as input to apply. Apply is auto-approved.

make run_plan
make run_apply

Destroying Terraform environment locally. Destroy plan is speculative. Destroy apply is auto-approved.

make run_destroy_plan
make run_destroy_apply

Terraform init, validate and fmt are run for each of the make commands above.

For more information on 3 Musketeers deployment method, visit the official site here. https://3musketeers.io/

GitHub Actions / Workflows

The following workflows are provided in this repository. These are located under .github/workflows.

Workflow Description Environments Trigger
main.yml Two step workflow to run a Terraform Plan and Terraform Apply following manual approvals. approval on.push.branch [master]
destroy.yml Two step workflow to run a speculative Terraform Destroy Plan and Terraform Destroy following manual approvals. approval on.push.branch [destroy]

Note: Pushing to master branch will trigger Terraform (TF) deploy. You will also need to create a branch named destroy in your GitHub repository. Not required locally and only used for pull requests master -> destroy to trigger TF destroy workflow.

Additionally, ONLY changes to the following files and paths will trigger a workflow.

      - 'docker-compose.yml'
      - 'Makefile'
      - '.github/workflows/**'
      - '*dockerfile'
      - 'modules/**'
      - '**.tf'

Terraform IaC

The infrastructure is based on the following Terraform modules:

  • ECR: 1 repository and its IAM role and IAM policies.
  • Security Group: security groups for ALB and ECS.
  • VPC: 1 VPC network, 3 public and 3 private subnets, 1 IGW, 3 NGW, 3 public and 3 private route tables, and 1 S3 Gateway Endpoint.


Click to expand
Name Description Type Default Required
bucket S3 bucket name - must be globally unique string weather-app-infra-pimentel-bucket yes
vpc_cidr IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
vpc_name VPC name string weather-app-pimentel-vpc yes
igw_name Internet Gateway name string weather-app-pimentel-igw yes
vpc_endpoint_name VPC endpoint name string weather-app-pimentel-s3-gateway yes
aws_region Region where the project will be deployed string us-east-1 yes
az_a Availability Zone A string us-east-1a yes
az_b Availability Zone B string us-east-1b yes
az_c Availability Zone C string us-east-1c yes
priv_sub_name_a Private subnet A name string weather-app-pimentel-privateA yes
priv_sub_name_b Private subnet B name string weather-app-pimentel-privateB yes
priv_sub_name_c Private subnet C name string weather-app-pimentel-privateC yes
pub_sub_name_a Public subnet A name string weather-app-pimentel-publicA yes
pub_sub_name_b Public subnet B name string weather-app-pimentel-publicB yes
pub_sub_name_c Public subnet C name string weather-app-pimentel-publicC yes
priv_sub_cidr_a Private subnet A IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
priv_sub_cidr_b Private subnet B IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
priv_sub_cidr_c Private subnet C IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
pub_sub_cidr_a Public subnet A IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
pub_sub_cidr_b Public subnet B IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
pub_sub_cidr_c Public subnet C IPv4 CIDR block and block size string yes
priv_rt_name_a Private route table A string weather-app-pimentel-private-rt-a yes
priv_rt_name_b Private route table B string weather-app-pimentel-private-rt-b yes
priv_rt_name_c Private route table C string weather-app-pimentel-private-rt-c yes
pub_rt_name_a Public route table A string weather-app-pimentel-public-rt-a yes
pub_rt_name_b Public route table B string weather-app-pimentel-public-rt-b yes
pub_rt_name_c Public route table C string weather-app-pimentel-public-rt-c yes
eip_name_a Elastic IP address A name string weather-app-pimentel-eip-a yes
eip_name_b Elastic IP address B name string weather-app-pimentel-eip-b yes
eip_name_c Elastic IP address C name string weather-app-pimentel-eip-c yes
lb_sg_name Security group name for Load Balancer string weather-app-pimentel-lb-sg yes
ecs_tasks_sg_name Security group name for ECS Tasks string weather-app-pimentel-ecs-sg yes
container_port Port for Docker containers number 3000 yes
ecr_repo_name ECR repository name string julio-pimentel-node-weather-app yes
iam_role_name ECS Task execution IAM role name string julio-pimentel-EcsExecutionRole yes
iam_policy_name ECS Task execution IAM policy string julio-pimentel-EcsEcrAccess yes


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Name Description
bucket_name S3 bucket ARN
bucket_name_arn S3 bucket ARN
vpc_id VPC ID
priv_cidr_id_a Private subnet A ID
priv_cidr_id_b Private subnet B ID
priv_cidr_id_c Private subnet C ID
pub_cidr_id_a Public subnet A ID
pub_cidr_id_b Public subnet B ID
pub_cidr_id_c Public subnet C ID
lb_sg_id Security group for Load Balancer ID
ecs_tasks_sg_id Security group for ECS Task ID
ecr_repository_url ECR repository URL
ecs_task_execution_role_arn ECS Task execution role ARN

TF State Files

AWS S3 is used to host the TF state files. This is hosted by s3://pathways-dojo.

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.0"
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "pathways-dojo"
    key    = "julio-pimentel-infra-tfstate-main"
    region = "us-east-1"